Jag vill ha en egen wombat!

Dom e tjockisar! Å gräver en jävla massa gångar!
Men dom är också tyvärr extremt utrotningshotade:
"Human impact on the wombat population is now at a critical level. Wombats suffer from a disease called sarcoptic mite or mange that was introduced to Australia and to wombats by human activity. Mites that cause mange lead to deep skin fissures that become flyblown and septic. This leads to a long, slow and painful death for wombats. In addition they are also being affected by a fungal lung disease for which there is currently no cure. Diseases and viruses brought in by farming activity now affect wombats. Incidents of Coccidia, Clostridium perfringens and tetanus amongst others, are evident in wombats. Some people[who?] believe that the distribution of mange is so widespread that only isolated populations and those tended in sanctuaries will, in the long term, survive." [Wiki].
Dessutom skulle jag nog tänka mig för innan jag skaffade en som husdjur!:
"They can be awkwardly tamed in a captive situation, and even coaxed into being patted and held, possibly becoming quite friendly.However, their lack of fear means that they may display acts of aggression if provoked, or if they are simply in a bad mood. Its sheer weight makes a charging wild wombat capable of knocking an average-sized adult over, and their sharp teeth and powerful jaws can inflict severe wounds. Wombats are wide-ranging foragers and nocturnal with strong instincts for burrowing. These characteristics, besides their possible danger to humans, make them unsuitable as pets". [Wiki]